Jet Fighter School

Air Combat Simulator Tactics and Maneuvers
by Richard G. Sheffield


acceleration 20

“ACE: Air Combat Emulator” viii

ace level 160

ace mode 157

aerial combat 58–65

afterburners 154, 161

aileron roll 72

ailerons 15

air combat, eight rules of 65

air combat mode 153–55

all-aspect missiles 38

Apex, AA-7 48

Aphid, AA-8 48

arcade level 159

Atoll, AA-2 47

attack 59

authorization codes 155

AWACS (airborne warning and control system) 51

bail-out 154

ballistic climb 19

ballistic dive 20

barrel roll 74

barrel roll attack 106

Boeleke, Oswald 65

bomb sight 156

break turn 78

cautiously aggressive attack 146

chaff (foil) 43, 46

clearing the map 155

climb 18–20

closing 59

Combat Air Patrol (CAP) 29, 44

damaged aircraft 158

deception signals 46

defensive options 40–44

descending half-loop 80

detection 58

disengagement 64

high-speed 122

low-speed 120

dive bombing 138

high-altitude 157

dive for separation 110

drag 17

dual-role fighter (DRF) 8

Eagle 6

ejection 153, 159

electronic countermeasures systems (ECM) 46

elevators 15

energy awareness 17

Epyx viii

Eurosoft International vii

F-4 Phantom 5

F-14 Tomcat 6, 160

F-15 Streak Eagle

compared to F-4 8

records 11

weapons capability 44

F-15E 160

F-16 9

F-86 Sabre 5

F-111 5, 8

fighters 29

flares 159

flight performance 22–24

fly by wire system 15–17

Fokker, Anthony 27

forward-looking infrared (FLIR) 9

FX program 5

gliding 156

gravity units (G's) 21

ground 156

gun attacks, defense 40–42

guns 33–37

guy in back (GIB) 160

head-on gun attack 60, 94

head on turning attack 96

heads up display (HUD) 40

high-G barrel roll 118

“High Roller” vii

infrared countermeasures 47

infrared missile 43

instantaneous turn performance 21

inverted 22

inverted flight practice 86

“JET” vii

“Jet Combat Simulator” viii

jinking a missile 128

jinks 42

joystick use 156

“Jump Jet Combat and Flight Simulator” vii

keyboard use 156

kinetic energy 17–18

landing 159

lead turn 61

lift 17

Linebacker I 166

load factor 21

loop 76

low-level approach 140, 157

maneuverability 21, 58

maneuvering 59

maximum instantaneous turn performance 21

MicroProse Software vii

MiG-21 47

MiG-23 47

MiG-25 5

“MiG Alley Ace” vii, 30

Mindscape vii

missile defense 43

missile, firing short-range 132

missiles 38–40

enemy, air-to-air 47

enemy, surface-to-air 48

heat-seeking 38

radar-guided 40

Mission #1, Libya 165–66

Mission #2, Yom Kippur War 166

Mission #3, Haiphong, North Vietnam 166–67

Mission #4, Syria, 167–68

Mission #5, Hanoi, North Vietnam 169–70

Mission #6, Iraq 170–71

Mission #7, The Persian Gulf 171–74

nose-to-nose turn 62–63

nose-to-tail turn 64

out-of-plane maneuver 112

P-51 Mustang 5

pilot level.159

pilot's responsibilities 160

pipper 137

pitch back 112

points 154

pop-up bombing 140

potential energy 17-18

proximity fuses 158

radar countermeasures 46–47

radar intercept officer (RIO) 165

radar jamming 43, 46

range 34

remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs) 167

roll acceleration 22

rollaway 104

roll performance 22

rookie level 159

rudders 15

Sidewinder missiles 33, 38, 45

skill levels 159–60

snapshot 36

Sparrow missiles 33, 38, 45

speedbrake extension 88

speedbrake reversal 124

spin recovery 160

Spinnaker Software viii

spiral dive, defensive 126

spiral, vertical 130

split-S 80

stall turn 84

Strike Eagle 9

SU-22 47

SubLOGIC vii

surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) 48

surprise attack 57

sustained turn performance 21

targets 29

teamwork 58

thrust 17

totally aggressive attack 148

tracking shot 34

turn performance 21–22

turn radius 21

turn rate 21

unloaded acceleration 47

unloading 20

vertical half-loop 82

vertical stabilizer 15

Vmax 20

weapons 58

weapons officer's responsibilities 161

weight 17

yaw 15


high 100

low 98

straight 102

zoom maneuver 18, 108

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