Contribute to

Do you want to help make (or our sister sites, Classic Computer Magazine Archive and Atari Archives) the ultimate repositories of information about vintage computers? There are many ways you can contribute.

Got Money?

Donations are gratefully accepted — funds go towards buying source materials and paying a firm to do the OCR and HTML grunt work. Although some of the books at this site are digitized by volunteers, most are outsourced. (That gets them online much, much more quickly.) Each book costs, on average, $85 to OCR and HTMLize. Click the button to donate with PayPal.

Got Rights?

If you or your company owns the rights to any flight sim books, and want to make that information available, send us e-mail describing the material.

Got Time?

If you have some time to help: we can use volunteers for tasks including scanning and OCRing. Send us e-mail.

Got Books?

If your attic is filled with old flight sim books, send them to us. We'll do our best to acquire permission to share the material, then we'll put it online. Send us e-mail.

Kay Savetz
founder and curator of