Microsoft Flight Simulator Handbook

by Jonathan M. Stern


The initial climbout should be made at about 80 knots. When power is fixed, as it is with a full-power takeoff, speed is controlled primarily by changing the pitch attitude of the airplane (raising or lowering the nose). With each control manipulation, a period of change ensues, followed by a return to equilibrium. In simple terms, this means that you should not chase an airspeed or vertical velocity. Rather, make small corrections and allow them time to take effect.

If the airspeed is above 80 knots, press keypad 2 once or twice to pitch the nose higher. If the airspeed is below 80 knots, press keypad 8 to pitch the nose lower. Note the approximate height of the small V above the horizon. Under the current weather conditions, this represents the attitude necessary to maintain an 80 knot climb.

Allow the airplane to continue its 80 knot climb until the altimeter (the third instrument from the left on top) reads 3,000 feet. This is shown by the small hand on the three and the big hand on the zero. As the airplane reaches this altitude, press Ctrl+Z (with version 5.1, press Z, and then Ctrl+Z), which engages the autopilot's altitude hold function. The autopilot indicator indicates that it is on. In later chapters, you'll learn how to use all of the features of the autopilot. For now though, let the autopilot control the airplane's pitch while you try making some level turns.

Table of Contents
Previous Section: Takeoff
Next Section: Turning Left