Microsoft Flight Simulator Handbook

by Jonathan M. Stern

Area Weather Settings

To create a weather area, rather than programming only global conditions, do the following:

  1. Select World/Weather.
  2. Select Add Area.
  3. Type a name for the new weather area in the Area Name box.
  4. Use the Beginning Lat/Lon and Ending Lat/Lon boxes to define a line that will demarcate the exact center of the newly defined weather area. The latitude and longitude coordinates can be selected from enroute charts or any other source you have available.
  5. Type a width in nautical miles in the Width box. Doing so defines the outer limits of your new weather area, extending one-half of the specified width in each direction from your previously defined centerline.
  6. Type a number of miles in the Transition box to control the distance in which the weather in the newly defined area will transition to the global weather.
  7. If you desire the newly defined weather area to move (as most weather fronts do), enter a course and speed in the Course and Speed boxes.
  8. Select OK.
  9. Select your newly defined weather area from the Weather Area box.
  10. Now follow the steps for creating a global weather situation to create area weather.

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