Runway USA

A pilot's guide to destination cities in Flight Simulator
by Charles Gulick

Appendix B: Aircraft Controls

Apple Aircraft Controls


For additional controls, press CTRL or SHIFT and one or more keys:
Keys Result
CTRL-B Adjusts the altimeter
CTRL-D Adjusts the heading indicator
CTRL-L Toggles the lights on or off
CTRL-X Recalls mode library from disk
CTRL-Z Saves mode library to disk
SHIFT-+ Recalls mode from library (resets the simulator)

View Selector Controls for the Apple


For radio controls, press CTRL and one or more keys:
COM radio CTRL-C, >>> Increase high digits (<<< for decrease)
CTRL-C, CTRL-C, >>> Increase low digits
NAV radio CTRL-N, 1 Select NAV1 for frequency changes
CTRL-N, 2 Select NAV2
CTRL-N, >>> Increase high digits on selected NAV radio (<<< for decrease)
CTRL-N, CTRL-N, >>> Increase low digits
ADF CTRL-A >>> Rapidly press one, two, or three times to select digit 1, 2, or 3
CTRL-V, 2 Select VOR OBS2
CTRL-V, >>> increasing bearing (<<< for decrease)
Transponder CTRL-T Rapidly press one, two, three or four times to select digit 1, 2, 3 or 4
CTRL-T, >>> Increase digit (<<< for decrease)
Note: CTRL-X is treated as CTRL-T

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